Call for Papers


Request for Abstracts & Guidelines for Submission

The SubOptic Papers Committee is pleased to request industry experts to submit Abstracts for papers to be presented as either oral or poster presentations at SubOptic 2025.


Deadline for Abstract Submission

The deadline for submission of Abstracts is 1 November 2024.





Format of Abstracts

Abstracts must be written in English, and consist of plain text only, maximum 300 words. Essentially the abstract should be a brief summary (or an ‘abstract’) of the proposed paper or poster.

Each Abstract should be original in nature and cover some aspect of the programme topics detailed in the Call for Papers. Abstracts will be evaluated and scored for quality, credibility and originality.

Overt product advertising or company publicity within an Abstract (or the subsequent paper) is not permissible and will be cause for rejection of the submission.

Any type of company in the submarine industry (operators, vendors, manufacturers, service providers, etc.) is invited to submit.



Notification of Acceptance

Under the guidance of the SubOptic 2025 Papers Committee, multi-company panels of industry experts will review all abstracts in an objective and professional manner, and select the papers desired for presentation at the conference. The Lead Author will be notified by email by mid January 2025 of the committee’s decision.


Abstract Submission Method

1. Select topic area of submission.

2. If this is your first submission you will be required to register. Complete all the details in the form and submit.

3. You will be sent an email confirmation and be directed to the submissions form.

4. Fill in the submission form, then click on ‘Submit’(note all fields with an asterisk are required).

5. You will receive an email confirming your form submission.

6. You can submit multiple submissions.

7. You will be able to edit your submission up until 1 November 2024.

The SubOptic 2025 Papers Committee reserves the right to change the designated topic area for any Abstract, as may be appropriate.



Publication in the Proceedings of SubOptic

If an Abstract is accepted for oral or poster presentation, the author will be required to submit a paper (nominally three to five pages, but any length within reason will be accepted), written in English, to the SubOptic 2025 Papers Committee by 28 March 2025.

Accepted papers will be published in the SubOptic 2025 Conference proceedings, contingent upon the transfer of copyright to the SubOptic Association.